Plot for sale in the Old Village of Oropos 280 sq m. with an old house. The present plot is within the plan and it is possible to expand it by 200 sq m on the road. Selling price: 35.000 Euros. Πωλείται Οικόπεδο στο Παλιό Χωριό Ωρωπού 280τμ. με παλιό οίκημα . Το παρόν οικόπεδο είναι εντός σχεδίου και είναι δυνατή η επέκτασή του 200 τετραγωνικά επάνω στον δρόμο. Τιμή πώλησης: 35.000 Ευρώ.
See other real estate sales in the Plot category
There are some extra costs that must be added to the price of the property.
These costs include Transfer Tax, Notary's Fees, Real Estate Fees, Estimated Lawyers's Fees and Land Registry.
The total value of the above is about 9% of the price of the property.
Property Price | € 35.000 |
Cost & Taxes (9%) | € 3.150 |
Estimated Total Price | € 38.150 |
For more information about this property call us now on our office phone +30 2810 343635 or mobile phone +30 6944 870180.
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