New building in Gerakas - under construction. High aesthetics and top amenities. With funkoil k heat pump for heating. Pilot parking and basement storage. Near Doukisis Plakentias metro and Attiki Odos. Near a market. Νεόδμητο στον Γέρακα - υπό κατασκευή. Υψηλής αισθητικής και κορυφαίες παροχές. Mε funkoil k hit pump για θέρμανση. πάρκινγκ Πυλωτής και αποθήκη υπογείου. Πλησίον μετρό Δουκίσσης Πλακεντίας και Αττική Οδό. Κοντά σε αγορά.
See other real estate sales in the 3 Bedroom Flat category
There are some extra costs that must be added to the price of the property.
These costs include Transfer Tax, Notary's Fees, Real Estate Fees, Estimated Lawyers's Fees and Land Registry.
The total value of the above is about 9% of the price of the property.
Property Price | € 540.000 |
Cost & Taxes (9%) | € 48.600 |
Estimated Total Price | € 588.600 |
For more information about this property call us now on our office phone +30 2810 343635 or mobile phone +30 6944 870180.
Alternatively please complete the following form and a member of our staff will contact you shortly.