Plot suitable for a private person in a place exclusively with two-storey dwellings and private property by private individuals. It is bordered by other plots that are all residences. It is located in one of the most accessible places. It borders with Vrilissia, Melissia, Halandri. It is not in the densely populated part of Amaroussion. Hub position. Close to a main road. In Neo Marousi, near the area there are services and easy access. Hospitals, Schools, Gymnasiums, Shops, Banks, Other Attractions. Pilots in the area are forbidden and something very nice is being built. It makes a home comfortable avoiding the problems of cohabitation and the cost of the bills. The individual could also transfer his professional seat. There are professional uses that could be stated comfortably. Οικόπεδο κατάλληλο για ιδιώτη σε θέση αποκλειστικά με διώροφες κατοικίες. Για αυτοτελή κατοικία ή επαγγελματικό. Τα όμορα οικόπεδα είναι όλα κατοικίες. Στο Νέο Μαρούσι σε ένα από τα πιο προσιτά σημεία. Συνορεύει με Βριλήσσια, Μελίσσια, Χαλάνδρι. Είναι το αραιοκατοικημένο κομμάτι του Αμαρουσσίου. Κομβική θέση. Κοντά σε κεντρικό δρόμο. Στη περιοχή υπάρχουν εξυπηρετήσεις και εύκολη πρόσβαση. Νοσ/μεία, Σχολεία, γυμναστήρια, κολυμβητήρια, φούρνοι, μαγαζιά, τράπεζες, άλλοι χώροι προσέλκυσης κοινού. Απαγορεύονται οι πυλωτές στην περιοχή - κτίζεται κάτι πολύ ωραίο.
See other real estate sales in the Plot category
There are some extra costs that must be added to the price of the property.
These costs include Transfer Tax, Notary's Fees, Real Estate Fees, Estimated Lawyers's Fees and Land Registry.
The total value of the above is about 9% of the price of the property.
Property Price | € 179.000 |
Cost & Taxes (9%) | € 16.110 |
Estimated Total Price | € 195.110 |
For more information about this property call us now on our office phone +30 2810 343635 or mobile phone +30 6944 870180.
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